Guide to Uploading Warrant Information
The Most Wanted Network uses a simple XML file to receive warrant information from each county agency. That file, and any updated booking photos, are uploaded via FTP to our servers daily for processing.
Pairing Warrants and Booking Photos
The XML file you upload will contain all person and warrant information including the name of any booking photo associate with that person. You will upload both the XML data file and any photos associated with that file. You need only upload photos that have not been uploaded in the past. Uploading all photos every day is not recommended.
When The Most Wanted Network processes your incoming data, we will automatically associate the photos with the data feed for display on the site.
Process for Getting Your County's Warrants Online
- Create an XML file of your warrants using our data spec and XML DTD.
- Contact us to register for a login for your county. For security reasons, these requests are processed manually.
- Login and validate your XML feed with our XML Feed Validator (login required).
- When your file contains no errors, contact us to set up an FTP login.
- You can begin uploading your warrants and booking photos.
- We will process your data for testing. (You will see your warrants when logged in, but no one else can.)
- When you verify your data online, let us know and your warrants will become live.
Technical Resources
- Formal Data Spec (PDF)
- Official DTD (XML DTD)
- Sample XML Feed (XML)
- XML Feed Validator (login required)